Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wildlife Safari - Goats

Come on, Evrit.  Let's feed the baby goats' mommas.

Aren't they cute?!  ;-)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Breaking in the Tricycle

We gave Jamish a tricycle for Christmas.  Of course, we had to try it out before handing it over.  We took turns making it go.

Evrit's turn...

... and Madeline's turn.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Madeline Playing Basketball

I have been out of the picture sending mode for a while.  My hands have been bothering me and I am about to have carpal tunnel surgery.  I will try to get pictures out this week and maybe next, but then we will probably be offline for a while during my recovery.  I hope all of you are well.  --Melissa

Madeline is playing some basketball this winter.  She is still learning how the game is played, but she is doing well and has even made some shots!  Here she is in action.

Evrit understands it all and is ready to play!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009