Friday, October 30, 2009

Investigating a Ladybug

Investigating a Ladybug - Both kids were doing just fine until the ladybug's wings fluttered just a bit. Madeline screeched and both kids jumped back in opposite directions. The ladybug landed on the sidewalk probably a little dazed and confused.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bike Riding

She's a bike rider.

And so is he!

I think it is time for a larger bike.

There's nothing to this. I have all the grace, balance, and speed I need.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Crazy Kids

Check out this power kick. I will get this one past Dad for sure. Or maybe he will just be really distracted by my outfit... ;-)

While watching a "moomie", Evrit decided he needed to get moisterized. He found a sealed tub of Cetaphil cream and rubbed it ALL over. Notice his legs, cheek, desk, and cream container. When I walked in the room and found him, he wanted to rub cream on me too. Crazy kid! ("moomie" = movie; He was watching a TV show on PBS Kids.)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Evrit Finally Decided to Play Soccer

Evrit finally decided to play soccer. See him run (on the left).

We were all VERY excited and cheered for him loudly!

Go Evrit, GO!!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Card Party

Madeline is working on some thank you cards.

I want to play card party too.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Malcolm's Football Game #85

Malcolm is #85. Make that tackle!

Go Malcolm go! We enjoyed watching Malcolm play a little football even though we were wet and cool.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Groceries and Silly kids with Slinkies

"Evrit, you brought in the groceries, but where did you put them?" Here they are, Mom! (He said this with a disgusted tone to his voice as if I was so silly for not being able to find the animal crackers and bandages in the refrigerator.)

Silly kids with Slinkies

Monday, October 12, 2009

A little sibling wrestling started out as fun but didn't end so well (as often these things don't).

A little wrestling ...

... started out as fun between siblings.

However, let's just say it did not end well.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Soccer Practice was GREAT this Week

At soccer practice, I was a shark, and my job was to kick other people's balls away. I did very well at this game.

Do you believe it?! I actually ran and played soccer with my team at practice this week. And I was the only person on my team to score a goal. Woohoo! (Momma is so proud!)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sad Soccer Face

I know this isn't a great picture, but it captures his current soccer game face. Saturday, he told me he was too sleepy to play. I didn't get any pictures of Madeline because I had a kickball game at the same time. However, I hear she did GREAT!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Madeline's First Soccer Game of the Season - Go Blue Rangers!

Way to go, Madeline. Kick that ball.

And there she is at goalie. She did such a great job whatever position she was playing.

Go Blue Rangers!